What is an IQ test?

The IQ test, also known as the ‘Intelligence Quotient' test, is available in a number of formats. It was initially used in France to identify children with developmental disabilities so that special education could be given to them. At this time, an IQ test is used to recognise people who are mentally gifted.

Where can I take the free IQ Test?

The free IQ Test can be taken here. It is made of 5 questions and you will be able to get access immediately to your results. It gives you some insights but we recommend taking a more complete and accurate test, like the certified IQ Test that we also offer.

Why take an IQ test?

The object of taking an IQ test is to assess intellect, logic and problem-solving skills, as well as mathematical comprehension, language abilities, short-term memory, and information processing speed.

What are the results made for?

We test cognitive skills among different categories, respecting our IQ Test Academy (IQA) fundamental principles this test is based on. All online tests are different and the certificate only attests the completion of our test and the score obtained using this methodology. Since we are a self-reliant organization, we don't guarantee results validity for a third party and any use of the content of this platform is solely at your own risk. This website's material is provided for recreational purposes and we always advise to complete an in person assessment with a professional therapist in your location since it is the only way to receive an in-depth analysis.

How is my IQ test score calculated?

A norm group with an average score of 100 and a standard deviation of 15 is used to measure an IQ Test score. The standard deviation of 15 indicates that 68 percent of people on the IQ test scored between 85 and 115. This means that the average score will still be 100, with 95% of people ranking between 70 and 130.

High IQ test scores

An IQ test score of 100 is considered normal by the bell curve, and a score above 100 is usually correlated with high intelligence. Extreme intelligence is classified as a score of 130 or higher on an IQ test, while giftedness is defined as a score of 140 or higher on an IQ test.

Low IQ test score

Those with a score of less than 80 are presumed to be of low intellect. A score of less than 70 requires a deeper analysis.

Notice that a high IQ test score does not imply that an individual is especially intelligent; rather, it indicates that the person has "potential."

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